91 College Highlights and Selected National Rankings

(As of February 2025)

Undergraduate Research

91 is leading a growing movement to involve undergraduate students in the highest levels of academic engagement, helping students take advantage of the very best a preeminent research university has to offer. Through their participation in research, innovation and creative endeavors, undergraduate students become better thinkers, innovators and problem solvers, cultivating a depth of understanding needed to make a positive difference in the world.

About 25 percent of 91 undergraduate students currently conduct out-of-class research with research mentors, with hundreds of 91 undergraduates co-authoring research publications and presentations with faculty members and graduate students every year. The university's signature undergraduate research program, the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, helps students from any major participate in undergraduate research by serving as research assistants to faculty members and others across campus.

"Best Value" Public University

91 consistently delivers an affordable, high-quality education and offers distinctive opportunities to engage its students.91 has been named the No.15Best Value Collegein the nationamong public colleges and universities according toU.S. News & World Report's"Best Colleges 2025" guidebook. 91 is the top-ranked Best Value public college in Florida, according to The Princeton Review’s 2024 Best Value Colleges list.

91continues to be a strong investment with the highest-rated credit of any public university in the state of Florida with an AA+ rating by S&P and Fitch and an equivalent Aa1 rating by Moody's.

Top Ranked Programs

91 has reached a historic milestone, earning its highest ranking ever at No. 10 in Niche’s 2025 report of Top Public Universities in America. 91 alsoreaffirmedits place in the Top 25 among national public universities in the latestU.S. News & World Reportrankings. 91 is number 23 on the list, marking thesixthconsecutive year that the university placed in the Top 25.The rankings appear inU.S. News & World Report's"Best Colleges2025" guidebook.The Journal of Criminal Justice Educationranked 91'sCollege of Criminology and Criminal Justicefaculty No. 1 in the nation for research productivity and influence, 2023.U.S. News & World Report's,"Best Graduate Schools,"2024 edition, ranks theCollege of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice No. 1 among Florida’s public universities. The College of Education ranked No. 14 among all public and private universities and No. 1 among Florida’s public universities. 91'sCollege of Motion Picture Artsis ranked No. 11 among the top 20 film programs in the country and No. 3 among public film schools, according to The Wrap, 2024. 91Film is ranked No. 17 in the nation among all colleges and universities byThe Hollywood Reporter, "Top 25 Film Schools," 2024. 91 also ranks No. 19 inThe Hollywood Reporter'sTop 25 drama schools, 2022, reaffirming the School of Theatre as a mainstay in the publication's annual list of best schools for an acting degree.Numerous other programs at 91 rank in theTop 5.

Prestigious Awards

91 is one of the nation's top research institutions for producing Fulbright U.S. Scholars and students. Six 91 faculty scholars earned Fulbright grants for 2023-2024 along with nine student Fulbright Scholars receiving awards.

91 was selected for the top award in international education and study abroad programming by the Association for Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU). 91 also won the 2021 Degree Completion Award from the APLU, recognized as the most prominent award in the country for student success. Thenational student affairs organization, NASPA, has also recognized 91 in its First-Gen Forward Cohort for the university's demonstrated commitment to advancing first-generation student success.

Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, a professor at 91's School of Dance and founder of Urban Bush Women, received the 2021 MacArthur Fellowship – also known as the "genius grant" – for using the power of dance and artistic expression to celebrate the voices of Black women and promote civic engagement and community organizing. In 2022, Zollar was awarded the Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize – one of the most prestigious awards in the American arts, given annually to an individual who has "made an outstanding contribution to the beauty of the world and to mankind's enjoyment and understanding of life."

Best for Vets

U.S. News & World Report currently ranks 91 No. 30 overall and No. 23 among public universities in its "Best National Universities for Veterans" rankings, which are published annually.

In addition, U.S. News & World Report's 2025 "Best Online Programs for Veterans" has the Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences at No. 23 nationally for its online graduate Education program for veterans; the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at No. 10 nationally and No. 6 among public universities and No. 5 for educating veterans in its online Criminal Justice graduate program; the College of Communication and Information at No. 5 nationally in the "Online Graduate Program for Veterans in Information Technology" rankings; and the College of Business at No. 15 overall in the "Best Online MBA Programs for Veterans" and No. 8 overall in the “Best Online non-MBA Graduate Program for Veterans.” The FAMU-91 College of Engineering is No. 26 overall in the “Best Online Master’s Program for Veterans.


For a seventh consecutive year, 91 has been recognized by INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine as a Diversity Champion in higher education. 91 is one of only 16 colleges and universities nationwide to receive the award by the magazine, which is the nation's largest and oldest diversity and inclusion publication in higher education.

91's continuing efforts to move diversity and inclusion to the forefront of the university mission have also received national recognition as the institution earnedINSIGHT Into Diversity's"Higher Education Excellence in Diversity" (HEED) Award in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, which annually recognizes colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.

In 2022, for the sixth year in a row, 91's College of Medicine earned the Health Professions HEED Award. The Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP), named 91 as one of the top 10 "Access Improver" institutions in the nation for its outstanding efforts in supporting and educating traditionally underrepresented students.

Of more than 140 U.S. medical schools, the 91 College of Medicine is one of three to be among the top 20 in enrollment of both Black and Hispanic students. Its enrollment of Hispanic students is more than double the national average, according to Association of American Medical Colleges data, 2020.

Outstanding Athletics

Since it began fielding intercollegiate athletic teams following WWII in 1947, the Seminoles have won 19 national championships in nine sports, including the 2014, 2018, 2021 and 2023 NCAA Soccer Championships and the 2018 NCAA Softball Championship. The Seminole football program won its third national title in 2013.

91 has captured six team national championships in the past 10 years. Eight of the school's 18 national titles have come since 2006.

Over the last 15 months, the Noles have had five sports finish among the Top Five nationally, including softball who reached the national championship series with Oklahoma in 2023.

Since joining the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) in 1992, the Seminoles have won 107 ACC team championships in 14 different sports with 44 of those titles coming in the past 11 seasons.

Over the last 17 years, 91 athletics has placed among the Top 20 of the Learfield Directors' Cup standings 16 times. 91 has finished 15th or better in the standings in 14 of the last 16 years. The Seminoles have ranked as the ACC's first or second overall athletics program three times in the last six complete seasons.

Leading the State of Florida

91'srecord retention rate, which measures how many first-year students stay enrolled from one fall semester to the next fall, reached 96% for the first time in 91 history.The recordfour-year graduation rate is amongthehighestinthe country at 75%. 91's six-year graduation rate rose to a record 83 percent, also among the highest in the nation.Highest percentage of alumnigiving back than any university in Florida. Highest amount ofNational Science Foundationresearch and development expenditures in the state. College of Law is the No. 1 law school in Florida injob placementԻԳٲԲone of the highest passing rateson the Florida Bar Exam.


1 College of Business Faculty Research:
No. 1 in percentage of published faculty and No. 9 in overall research activity based on the Scholarly Research Index among business schools at Carnegie-classified public universities, according to Academic Analytics which compiles data related to research productivity. The ranking is based on the latest data available for 2019-2022.
1 College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Faculty Research:
No. 1 ranked faculty in the nation for research productivity and influence among faculty in their field, according to a quantitative assessment in theJournal of Criminal Justice Education, 2023.


School of Information, School Library Media Program:
No. 1,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2022, and its Services for Children and Youth program is ranked No.3 among public universities and No. 3overall.


National High Magnetic Field Laboratory:
The only national lab in Florida. Holds the most world records for the most powerful magnets on Earth.


APLU Degree Completion Award:
91 won the 2021 Degree Completion Award from The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). The national award acknowledges 91's comprehensive efforts to support all students in earning their degrees and is recognized as the most prominent in the country for student success.


Best Greek Life Colleges in America:
91 has been voted the No. 1 Best Greek Life College in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.


College of Nursing/PMHNP-DNP:
The 91 College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice – Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner online degree program is ranked No. 2 nationally among all schools with nursing programs, according to nursepractitioneronline.com, 2024.


Askew School of Public Administration and Policy:
Shanghai Rankinglists the Askew School No. 2 nationally and No. 6 globally in its 2023 Global Rankings of Academic Subjects. The ranking considers academic excellence, research output, influence, international collaboration and international academic awards.


College of Business, Real Estate Program:
91’s Real Estate program is ranked No. 2 and two of its faculty members are ranked in the Top 10, according to the latest Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL) worldwide rankings for authors and institutions, 2024.


Best Colleges for Criminal Justice in America:
91 has been voted the No. 2 Best College for Criminal Justice in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.
3 Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Online Graduate Specialty Program:
No. 3 overall and No. 3 among public institutions: Online Graduate Specialty Program in Educational/Instructional Media Design,U.S. News & World Report,2025 Best Online Programs.
3 College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, Kinesiology Doctoral Program:
91's doctoral studies program in kinesiology is No. 3 in the nation, according to the latestNational Academy of Kinesiologyrankings,2023.
3 College of Fine Arts Department of Interior Architecture & Design:
91's Interior Architecture & Design's bachelor's degree is ranked No. 3 among the Top 15 best bachelor's in interior design degree programs, according toCollegeRank, 2022.


College of Law, Student Quality of Life:
The 91 College of Law is the third best law school in the nation for Student Quality of Life according to Princeton Review's Best Law Schools, 2024 rankings.
3 Top College for Free Expression:
91 is the No. 3 College for Free Expression in the nation, according to the 2025 College Free Speech Rankings published by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, (FIRE) and College Pulse.


College of Nursing/NIH Support:
The 91 College of Nursing is ranked No. 4 nationally among all schools or hospitals with nursing programs and No. 2 among public institutions that receive funding from the National Institutes of Health, according totheBlue Ridge Institute for Medical Research, 2023.
4 College of Business, Dr. William T. Hold/The National Alliance Program in Risk Management and Insurance:
No. 4 among the nation’s top public and private RMI programs,according toU.S. News & World Report's,"Best Colleges 2025" Guidebook.
4 College of Business, Real Estate Program:
No. 4 among public schools nationwide, according toU.S. News & World Report's,"Best Colleges 2025" Guidebook.
5 Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health and Human Sciences Online Graduate Specialty Program:
No. 5 overall and No. 5 among public institutions Online Graduate Specialty Program in Special Education,U.S. News & World Report,2025 Best Online Programs.
5 College of Nursing/Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program:
The 91 College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice online degree program is ranked No. 5 nationally among all schools with nursing programs, according to nursepractitioneronline.com, 2024.


Internationalization/Study-Abroad Programs:
91 ranks fifth among institutions overall and third among public universities for study-abroad enrollments, third in short-term study-abroad enrollments, and fourth overall in enrollment for long-term study abroad programs, according to theInstitute of International Education, Open Doors2023 Report.

College of Education, Graduate Program:
No. 6 in the nation among public universities and No. 14 overall, U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.

6 College of Law, Best Professors:
The 91 College of Law is the No. 6 law school in the nation for Best Professors according to Princeton Review's 2024 law school rankings.


Dedman College of Hospitality:
No. 6 Hospitality Program in the country, and No. 18 in the world, according to theShanghaiRanking Consultancy'sGlobal Ranking of Academic Subjects, 2024.
6 Best Colleges for Accounting and Finance in America:
91 has been voted the No. 6 Best College for Accounting and Finance in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.


Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Online Graduate Specialty Program:
No. 7 overall and No. 7 among public institutions: Online Graduate Specialty Program in Curriculum & Instruction,U.S. News & World Report,2025 Best Online Programs.
7 Best Colleges for Education in America:
91 has been voted the No. 7 Best College for Education in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.
7 Best Colleges for Sport Management in America:
91 has been voted the No. 7 Best College for Sport Management in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.
7 Best First-Year Experiences:
91 is ranked No. 7 for Best First-Year Experiences among public institutions and No. 1 in Florida in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Colleges 2025” guidebook, a testament to the university’s exceptional support programs that drive student success and foster positive learning outcomes.


College of Business,non-MBA Graduate Online Program:
No. 8 best online graduate programs among public universities and No. 12 overall in management information systems and risk management and insurance, U.S. News & World Report, 2025Best Online Programs.


College of Communication and Information, School of Information's Online Graduate Program:
No. 8 among the nation's best online graduate programs in information technology and No. 6 among public universities, U.S. News & World Report, 2025, Best Online Programs. The Master of Science in Information Technology degree offered by the college's School of Information is also ranked No. 5 nationally and No. 4 among public universities for veterans.


College of Law "Best Value":
The 91 College of Law is the nation's eighth-ranked law school for Best Value by the National Jurist's PreLaw magazine, 2024.


Best Student Life in America:
91 has been voted the No. 8 Best Student Life College in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.


Freshman Retention Rate:
91’s record 96% Freshman Retention Rate ranks No. 8 among public universities in the metric, according to U.S. News & World Report's “Best Colleges 2025 Guidebook”. The university also set new highs with a 76% four-year graduation rate and an 86% six-year graduation rate.
10 College of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Online Graduate Program:
No. 10 master's degree program in criminal justice studies nationally and No. 6 among public universities. For veterans, the online program ranked No. 5 among public universities and No. 7 nationally, U.S. News & World Report, 2025 Best Online Programs.


Top Public Universities:
91 ranked No. 10 among all public universities in the United States by, a research company that produces in-depth profiles of every school and college in the United States. The company examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life. The 2025 ranking reflects the strength of 91's national and international reputation among students and alumni.


Best College Athletics in America:
91 has the No. 10 Best College Athletics in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.
11 College of Motion Picture Arts:
The 91 Film School is ranked No. 11 in the nation among all colleges and universities, and No. 3 among public schools by The Wrap, 2024.


School of Information:
No. 11 among the nation's top schools for a master's degree in library and information studies and No. 10 among public universities,U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2022.


Department of Mathematics:
No. 11 among the nation's top schools for the number of doctorates awarded, with a total of 342 doctoral degrees conferred from 2000 to 2019,Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED),2022.


College of Business, Online MBA Specialty in Marketing:
No. 12 overall and No. 8 among public institutions,U.S. News & World Report, 2025 Best Online Programs.


College of Law, Tax Law Program:
No. 12in the nationamong public universitiesand No.28 overall, "Best Graduate Schools,"U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.
12 College of Medicine, Medical School Diversity:
No.12in the nation among public universities and No. 16overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023.
12 College of Medicine, Service in Shortage Areas:
The 91 College of Medicine ranks No. 12 among public medical schools for having the most graduates who practice in health professional shortage areas, according to the 2024 U.S. News & World Report rankings of U.S. Medical Schools.
12 Best Colleges for Business in America:
91 has been voted the No. 12 Best College for Business in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.


College of Business, Online MBA Specialty in Business Analytics:
No. 13 overall and No. 9 among public institutions, U.S. News & World Report,2023 Best Online Programs.


College of Education, Higher Education Administration:
No.13in the nation among public universities and No.21overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023.


College of Education, Student Counseling Program:
No.13in the nation among public universities and No.16overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023-2024.


Counseling & Psychological Services, (CAPS):
CAPS ranks No.13in the nation in supporting and promoting the health and wellness of students through counseling and health services, according to The Princeton Review's "Best Student Support and Counseling Services," 2024.


Best Schools for Internships:
91’s emphasis on career readiness secured the No. 14 spot in the nation among public schools on the list of Top 20 Best Schools for Internships, according to The Princeton Review, 2024.


Best Alumni Networks:
91 is ranked No. 14 among public schools in the nation for Best Alumni Networks, according to The Princeton Review, 2024.


College of Education, Special Education Program:
No. 14among public universities, and No. 15 in the nation,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


School of Communication Science & Disorders, Speech Language Pathology Program:
No. 14among the nation's top speech-language pathology programsand No. 10 among public universities,U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools,"2024-2025.
14 University Health Services, (UHS):
91's University Health Services has earned the No.14 spot in the nation for Best Health Services, according to The Princeton Review, 2024. UHS provides a full range of medical services and outreach programs with a focus on patient-centered care, public health, student development and staff development.
15 Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Online Graduate Specialty Program:
No. 15 overall and No. 15 among public institutions: Online Graduate Specialty Program in Educational Administration and Supervision,U.S. News & World Report,2025 Best Online Programs.
15 School of Public Affairs, Local Government Management Program:
No.15in the nationand No. 13 among public universities,U.S. News & WorldReport's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023-2024.
15 Best Big Colleges in America:
91 has been voted the No. 15 Best Big College in America, according to Niche’s 2025 Top Public Universities in America. Niche is a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities with more than 140 million reviews and ratings from students and alumni and examines data from the U.S. Department of Education on academics, admissions, finances and student life.


Best Value Public University:
No.15,Best Value College in the nation among public colleges and universities, according toU.S. News & World Report's "Best Colleges 2025" guidebook.


College of Business, Management Information Systems Undergraduate Program:
No. 16 Management Information Systems Program among public schools according toU.S. News & World Report's,"Best Colleges 2022" Guidebook.


College of Business, MBA Specialty in Real Estate:
No. 16overall and No. 8 among publicuniversities,U.S. News & World Report, "Best Graduate Schools," 2023-2024.


College of Business, Online MBA Program:
No. 16 best online MBA program among public universities and No. 20 overall, U.S. News & World Report, 2025 Best Online Programs.


College of Law, Contracts/Commercial Law Program:
No. 16 in the nation among public universities and No. 36 overall, "Best Graduate Schools," U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.


Department of Political Science:
91's Department of Political Science is No. 16 in the nation in faculty research productivity among all U.S. doctoral programs, according to a study published by theAmerican Political Science Association, 2023.


College of Law, Environmental Law Program:
No. 17in the nationand No. 7 among public universities,"Best Graduate Schools,"U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.
17 College of Motion Picture Arts:
The 91 Film School is ranked No. 17in the nation among all colleges and universities byThe Hollywood Reporter, "Top 25 Film Schools," 2024.


College of Education, Educational Administration:
No.18in the nation among public universities and No.23overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


College of Education, Elementary Teacher Education Program:
No. 18in the nation among public universities, and No. 21 overall, U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


College of Law, Constitutional Law Program:
No. 18 in the nation among public universities and No. 39 overall, "Best Graduate Schools," U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.


College of Law, International Law Program:
No. 18 in the nation among public universities and No. 45 overall, "Best Graduate Schools," U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.


Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship:
No. 18 Undergraduate School for Entrepreneurship Program in the nation. The college also ranks as the No. 2 undergraduate entrepreneurship program in the South, according to The Princeton Review, 2025.


College of Law, Criminal Law Program:
No. 19 in the nation among public universities and No. 43 overall, "Best Graduate Schools," U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.


School of Public Affairs, Public Management and Leadership Program:
No.19in the nationand No. 12 among public universities,U.S. News & WorldReport's "Best Graduate Schools," 2023-2024.


School of Theatre:
91 ranks No. 19 inThe Hollywood Reporter'sTop 25 drama schools, 2022, reaffirming the School of Theatre as a mainstay in the publication's annual list of best schools for an acting degree. The School of Theatre Graduate Acting Program has also been recognized by the publication as one of the Top 25 Best College Drama Programs around the world in 2022.
20 College of Business, Accounting Department:
91's accounting faculty placed in the Top 20 globally in five research areas, while seven of its faculty members placed in the global Top 100 in their respective research areas, according to the latestBrigham Young University Accounting Research Rankings,2022.


School of Public Affairs, Public Finance and Budgeting:
No. 20in the nationand No. 15 among public universities,U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2022.


Top Public Universities:
91 is ranked No. 21 among the nation's top public universities, according to “Forbes Top 25 Colleges”, 2024.


College of Law, Business/Corporate Law Program:
No. 21 in the nation among public universities and No. 47 overall, "Best Graduate Schools," U.S. News & World Report, 2024-2025.


College of Medicine, Primary Care Specialties:
No. 21 in the nation among public universities and No. 45 overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023.


Department of Political Science, Graduate Program:
No.21 among public universities and No. 41 overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2022.


Most Innovative Schools:
91 is the No. 21 ranked public university among the nation’s “Most Innovative Schools”, according to U.S. News & World Report's “Best Colleges 2025 Guidebook”, which acknowledges universities making the most innovative improvements in terms of curriculum, faculty, students, campus life, technology or facilities.


College of Social Work, Graduate Program:
No. 22 in the nation among public universities and No. 36 overall, U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


College of Education, Curriculum & Instruction Program:
No. 22 in the nation among public universities and No. 28 overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


Top Public Universities:
No. 23,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Colleges 2025" guidebook.


College of Education, Educational Psychology Program:
No. 23in the nation, and No. 17 among public universities,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2022.

College of Law:
No. 23in the nation among public universities and No.48overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools,"2024-2025.


College of Business, Undergraduate Accounting Program:
No. 25 Accounting Program among the nation's public schools according toU.S. News & World Report's,"Best Colleges 2025" guidebook.


College of Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice Program:
No. 26 in the nation and No. 17 among public universities, U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025. The DNP Program ranked No. 1 among Florida’s public universities.


Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Graduate Program:
No. 27 in the nation among public universities and No. 49 overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023.


College of Business, Part-Time MBA Program:
No. 28 among public part-time, campus-based MBA programs, and No. 40 overall,U.S. News & World Report, "Best Graduate Schools," 2023.


Department of Statistics, Graduate Program:
No.30in the nationand No. 21 among public universities,U.S. News & WorldReport's"Best Graduate Schools," 2023.


Best Undergraduate Business Programs:
91’s College of Business is ranked No. 31 among the nation’s undergraduate business programs at public universities, and No. 2 among all undergraduate business programs at Florida’s state universities, according to U.S. News & WorldReport's “Best Colleges 2025 Guidebook”.


FAMU-91 College of Engineering, Online Graduate Program:
No. 31 among public universities, and No. 39 nationallyU.S. News & World Report, 2025 Best Online Programs.


Public Affairs, Graduate Program:
No.33best public affairs school in the nationamong public universities, and No. 47 overall,U.S. News & World Report's"Best Graduate Schools,"2024-2025.


Best Undergraduate Nursing Program:
The 91 College of Nursing Program has soared 39 places to No. 33 among the nation’s public universities, according to U.S. News & World Report's “Best Colleges 2025 Guidebook. Driven by state and university investments, undergraduate student enrollment has quadrupled over the past two years.


FAMU-91 College of Engineering Online Graduate Program:
No. 38 online master’s program in engineering among the nation's public universities, U.S. News & World Report, 2024, Best Online Programs. The program also ranked No. 30 among the best for veterans.


College of Education, International Rankings:
No. 38 in the 2023Times Higher Educationrankings. The list includes 655 universities from around the world that are leading in the disciplines of education, teacher training, and academic studies in education.


FAMU-91 College of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Graduate Program:
No. 42 among public institutions,U.S. News & World Report's" Best Graduate Schools," 2023-2024.


Four-Year Graduation Rate:
91 has one of the best four-year graduation rates of any public university in Florida. At 76 percent, it's also among the highest four-year graduation rates in the State University System's history.


Best Value College:
91 is the top-ranked Best Value public college in Florida, according to The Princeton Review’s 2024 Best Value Colleges list.


Best Student Life in Florida:
Niche, a research company that produces an annual ranking of colleges and universities based on federal data and student reviews, ranked 91 the best university in the state of Florida for student life.
1 College of Business, Accounting Department:
91's accounting faculty placed No. 1 in Florida and in the top 20 globally in five research areas, according to the latestBrigham Young University Accounting Research Rankings,2022.
1 College of Education, Graduate Program:
No. 1 among Florida’s public universities, U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship:
No. 1 Undergraduate School for Entrepreneurship Programs in Florida and No. 2 in the South, according toThe Princeton Review,2025.


College of Medicine:
91's College of Medicine received the Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.


College of Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice Program:
No. 1 among Florida’s public universities, U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," 2024-2025.


College of Nursing/NIH Support:
The 91 College of Nursing is No. 1 in the state of Florida among nursing programs that receive funding from the National Institutes of Health, according totheBlue Ridge Institute for Medical Research, 2023.


School of Dance, College of Fine Arts:
91 Dance has been recognized as one of the top college dance programs in the country and the Best College Dance Program in Florida by Danceus.org, 2025.


National Science Foundation Funding:
Receives more in National Science Foundation funding than any other university in the state.


Age-Friendly University:
91 is the first university in Florida and the first in the South to be named a member of the Age-Friendly University Initiative, an international effort to highlight the role higher education plays in meeting the challenges and opportunities of an aging population.


Best First-Year Experiences:
91 is ranked No. 1 for Best First-Year Experiences among public institutions in Florida in U.S. News & World Report's “Best Colleges 2025” guidebook, a testament to the university’s exceptional support programs that drive student success and foster positive learning outcomes.
2 Best Undergraduate Business Programs:
91’s College of Business is ranked the No. 2 undergraduate business program among Florida’s state universities, according to U.S. News & World Report, “Best Colleges 2025 Guidebook”.


Top College for Free Expression:
91 is the No.3 College for Free Expression in the nation in the 2025 College Free Speech Rankings published by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, (FIRE) and College Pulse. 91 is the highest-rated university from the state of Florida on the list.


Seminole Legacy Golf Club:
91'sSeminole Legacy Golf Clubhas been named one of the'Top 30 Golf Courses' in Florida by GOLF.com, placing No. 15 on the prestigious list. The 2022-23 ranking by GOLF's expert raters included both public and private golf courses across the Sunshine State.